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Auntie-webinar: Psychological safety at the workplace

Have you sat quietly in a meeting listening to others share or rave about their opinions? Have you kept your thoughts to yourself in case others found them (and you) stupid. Or, for the same reason, didn’t you ask the question you had or express your uncertainty about performing a job? These situations have had an absence of psychological safety.
What is psychological safety at work in particular? It's a shared belief held by members of a team that others on the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish them for speaking up.  In a safe environment, you are comfortable being yourself and doing your best. 

Psychological safety is a vital element for teams, work communities and organisations that genuinely strive for success. In other words, psychological safety is a must if you want to be successful.

Come to the free webinar to learn more about the topic and how to improve psychological safety at work.

Even if you cannot attend the live webinar you can still view it afterwards as we will send a recording of the webinar to all who sign up for it.
Presentation by
Auntie professional, Mental Health Advisor, Occupational Therapist
30 minutes

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